
Revival and Renewal Through Emotional Intelligence


As we come out of the disruptions of Covid-19, we all recognize that the world has changed, the world of work has changed, and how we manage and lead has changed as well.

And as we enter 2021, moving gradually from a space of “emergency” to now driving “revival”, how do we take the learnings of the last year to the new world of work that lies ahead?

How do we ensure that as leaders and organizations we aren’t merely returning to what we knew but driving forward a “renewal” mindset to lead us to recovery?

How are we staying cognizant of the requirements of our teams and being emotionally intelligent to recognize the challenges faced during return to work?

And how are we honing our own and our teams capabilities to THRIVE in the world that lies ahead?


In this journey of moving from crisis to recovery to renewal it has become imperative for leaders to engage with more adaptive, profound, emotionally intelligent and inclusive solutions as they look to reset in a new reality. It has become essential that they stay attuned to the needs of themselves and others, balance the evolving team dynamics, innovate, motivate, evaluate and recalibrate, while continuing to align their teams to thrive in a new workplace.

Building on from our extensive work with leaders and teams during the pandemic,
EdpowerU together with our sister concern Emotionally.in has launched a powerful offering “REVIVAL AND RENEWAL THROUGH EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE” that is focused on building essential skills and capabilities that we believe are key requirements of leadership during the phase of recovery.

This program has been designed by experts as a series of short virtual workshops for managers and leaders as they look to hone their emotional intelligence to emerge as successful leaders in our new reality.

These workshops have been developed through research and experiential learning to combine the areas of leadership, behaviour, psychology and well-being that we believe are critical components of modern business.

Emotional Skills for Business- Critical Skills
Adaptability Skills

Manage change to effectively respond

Manage Resilience

Bend not break during adversity

Communication Skills

Communicate across mediums for success

Empathy Skills

Understand and be aware of others thoughts and feelings

Manage Self Awareness

Self-awareness for effective leadership

Keep Calm and self management skills

Self-management across situations

Effectiveness Improve efficiency

Improve efficiency to perform at peak


Fostering teamwork across mediums

Emotional Skills for Business- Essential Skills

Ideation through new thinking skills


Clearness in thinking and communication


Develop presence of mind for more focus


Rediscover motivations to find meaning


Anticipate, think fast and self-disrupt


Dig deep to overcome your inner challenge


Motivating yourself and others


Productivity via time & task management


Negotiation in an online-offline world

Team leadership

Recovery leadership for a new reality


The art of clear and objective decisiveness


Developing a conflict management toolkit

Program Lead

Shubika Bilkha: shubika.bilkha@edpoweru.com

For course queries and information please contact:

Email: enquiry@edpoweru.com

Phone or Whatsapp: +91 8928994776

Program Structure and Eligibility
  • This program has been designed to hone the skillsets of managers and leaders for the modern world of work
  • We have identified specific core skills that are critical to modern business, as well as offered other skills that we think are necessary as you look to lead in the new reality. Organizations have the flexibility to select any one of the 20 skill building workshops below or select a combination of workshops in line with their own executive development requirements
  • Each virtual workshop is 2 hours in duration and conducted for a maximum of 30 people.
  • Each workshop will cover only one essential skill and will be action oriented, expert-led with interactive exercises and insightful discussions
  • The content has been designed using a combination of insights from leadership, behavior, psychology and well-being
  • The program includes relevant content, simple messaging and clear takeaways from each module
  • Participants will be provided with easy to use tools and techniques that they can implement in their lives and work

Program Faculty

Dr. Ann Means

Faculty. Researcher. Advisor.

Partner, EdpowerU

Lina Bilkha

Co-founder Emotionally

Director, Talking Talent India

Partner, Edpower-U

Shubika Bilkha

Leadership Coach. Entrepreneur. Author

Founding Partner, Edpower-U